Flourishing Fruit: Kindness

Dr. Charles Stanley has been a provider of insightful messages for many years. Not only does he provide timely wisdom for the twenty-first century, but the lessons he shares from Scripture are timeless. And when he opens the message with probing and thoughtful questions, I do my best to pay careful attention. Stanley inquires, “Do …

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Hearth Places

In January of 2010, our campus opened the Bowld Commons, a space where residential students might gather and engage in activities ranging from sports to meetings. Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of teaching in the Bowld, gathering for GO Trip planning, engaging in conversations with students, and many other activities such as chili …

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Flourishing Mindset

Tomorrow, in a first-year English class, I will pose a question to the class, asking them to compose their personal definition for a flourishing life; and I excitedly anticipate how they will choose to answer this query from the perspective of an Emerging Adult. What I anticipate hearing will be concepts related to personal accomplishments, …

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